Curatorial model design
Design for
Exhibition Design, Social change
A framework with emphasis on experiencing, questioning, and self-reflecting for behavioural change
Individual behavioural change is a core part of what should become an international response to the global climate crises to tackle mitigation and adaptation. There is a gap in the response to climate change that involves social sciences techniques and should be addressed with the influence of art-based climate change interventions. These initiatives can engage the audience throughout and combine cognitive and affective engagement, which are fundamental to successful behavioural change. Psychological models of risk perception can transform information into influential awareness by processing information analytically and emotionally. The emotional process is the most effective and essential for the decision-making process, in fact “the stronger the emotion the more powerful its influence”. The affective methodology has the strongest influence on values, beliefs and attitudes, and possesses the most potential of pro-environmental behavioural transformation.
Did your project evolve in unexpected ways?
This project most surely moved in unexpected ways, I started the project with a practical approach to design a specific exhibition using existing artwork with the objective of involving the audience to change their behaviour by the end of it, however I ended up designing a framework that can be applied to various fields when organising an exhibition.
Do you think this project can be scaled up?
Definitely yes, as I designed a general framework to design exhibition that are able to involve the audience in order to change their behaviour when facing certain risk factors, this can be scaled up to be put into practice and deepen the knowledge of the various framework phases depending on the field and objective of the exhibition.
What was your biggest takeaway learning from this project?
The key takeaway is definitely looking at my research from an further point of view and take in every piece of feedback. Instead of trying to dig deeper and deeper, rather get away from the details and look at my findings from a further perspective, which helped me then designing something more sustainable and scalable such as a framework method rather than a single project application.