Environmental risk and Covid-19 relationship
Design for
Covid-19, Environmental design, Social design
Covid-19 is an acute issue, whereas Climate change, is chronical, and both can be influenced by risk communication much more intensely. This project focuses on risk communication with a specific focus on the case of Covid-19 across the world and how the risk has been communicated, perceived and approached. The project is composed by a series of articles suitable for online purposes and social media, in order to make the topic “desirable” to build knowledge across young adults. The aim is to communicate the risk of Covid-19 by not only creating awareness, but rather action and persuade to an ethical behaviour adapted to the situation, which is the attitude that should and must be transmitted regarding all global issues.
How did this project impact you as a designer moving forward?
The project taught me that it is very important to learn about the past to design and research methodologies for the future. It is fundamental to be respectful of the environment and understand its mechanics and the barriers between the human and natural world, which, if crossed, can cause unrepairable damage.
What was the most difficult part of this project?
The most difficult part of the project has been working on the topic of Covid-19 while it still was a very unprecedent and unknown situations, there was not a lot of material available and most of the sources I could use were from newspapers, so I had to be very mindful and make sure the sources I was using were certified.
What were the key methods that you used for this work?
I started by analysing data and comparing different sources, then I based a lot of my research on environmental destruction as well as previous epidemics and looked at what were the dynamics in common with the current Covid-19 related to the environment and presence of men.